FAQs about Oikocredit’s Investor Identification Campaign

Your data and Oikocredit

You trust us with your investment. You can count on us to keep your money and your data safe. 

Oikocredit needs to know its members and investors well. Just like you, it is important to us to know who we are working with, and this is also a legal requirement.  

If you want to start investing with us, we need to ask you questions about yourself. If you already invest with us, we may approach you with a request for more information.  

We do this to make sure you can safely continue using our products and services and that we fully comply with regulatory requirements such as ‘know your customer’ rules.  

On this page you can find more detailed information on what data we collect about our individual investors and why. It is our joint responsibility – yours and Oikocredit’s – to make sure the information we hold about you is complete and up to date.  

Regulations, Data Sharing and Data Protection  

Together, we can create a safer financial system.  

As a financial institution, Oikocredit must adhere to national and international laws relating to the prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism. And we pride ourselves on implementing best practices. 

By making sure that we know who is investing with us, we contribute to the creation and maintenance of a safer financial system. We ask for your cooperation to ensure we do this together. 

These FAQs answer common questions about the data sharing process and our data protection systems.

  • What information and documentation does Oikocredit need from individual investors?

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    To meet Oikocredit’s ‘know your customer’ (KYC) requirements for individual investors, we need the following information about you and the relevant documentation.  

    1. Personal details (name, date of birth, country or countries of citizenship)  

    1. Proof of address in the form of a utility bill or a bank statement, for example 

    1. Proof of bank (bank statement) 

    1. A copy of your passport or national ID (identity) card 

    1. Information regarding your tax residency 

  • What happens to the data I share with Oikocredit?

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    Your privacy is important to Oikocredit, and we are committed to safeguarding all data that we process in relation to you.   

    We collect data from you to fulfil the contracts we have concluded with you, as well as to meet our legal obligations.  

    We will process your data in a secure manner in accordance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, see our Privacy Statementand question 4 below. 

    To ensure your data is secure against unauthorised access, we protect our systems using a combination of organisational and electronic access controls. These include firewall technology and other security measures.  

    We also control internal access to systems to ensure that only authorised employees can access your data.

  • What happens if I don’t provide my data on time?

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    Oikocredit is not allowed to do business with investors we don't know well enough. We are legally obliged to verify and store the data we request from you in accordance with applicable legislations.  

    If you do not fully respond to our first request for information and the documents we need, we will repeat our request for the information and documents.  

    If, for whatever reason, you still do not share the requested data and documents with us, we may be required to take additional action regarding your investment. This will always be in accordance with the participation terms and conditions stated in our Prospectus that apply to your investment product. You can access this information on our website. It’s therefore important that you keep the contact details we have for you up to date. 

  • What tax obligations apply to investors in Oikocredit based in foreign countries?

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    Common Reporting Standard (CRS) 

    The CRS is legislation designed to prevent offshore tax evasion and is approved by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Council.  

    The standard requires Oikocredit to report accounts held directly or indirectly by foreign tax residents to their local tax authority and requires authorities to exchange the information. For more details, see the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS) webpage. 


    Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) 

    The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is the US law that combats tax evasion by US taxpayers worldwide.  

    The Dutch government agreed with the US government to transpose this legislation into Dutch law. Because Oikocredit’s operations are based in the Netherlands, we must also comply with this legislation.  

    In order to comply, we must determine whether investors are ‘US persons’ (individuals or legal entities).  

    If an investor is classified as a US person and not exempt from paying US taxes, we will report their account(s) with Oikocredit to the Dutch tax authorities annually. The Dutch tax authorities will then share this information with the US tax authorities. 

    For more information on FATCA, visit the US tax authorities’ FATCA webpage.

  • How do I know I am being approached by Oikocredit about the investor identification campaign?

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    Oikocredit will always approach you through one of our officers (staff members) via the following email addresses: kyc.support@oikocredit.org (for identification campaign matters) or oi.support@oikocredit.org (for other matters). We ask you to answer to the same email addresses.  

    An Oikocredit officer (staff member) may also approach you using their personal Oikocredit organisational email address ending @oikocredit.org and starting with their first initial and surname. We may also approach you via a telephone call or letter in the post on certain occasions.   

    If you are unsure if you have been approached by Oikocredit, please ask for confirmation by email to kyc.support@oikocredit.org.

  • I still have one or more questions that were not answered by these FAQs

    Last modified on: 6/5/2023

    Contact us at kyc.support@oikocredit.org. We will be happy to answer your further question(s).