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DIACONÍA Institución Financiera de Desarrollo - Expanding products and activities

DIACONÍA Institución Financiera de Desarrollo

Expanding products and activities


DIACONÍA Institución Financiera de Desarrollo, Bolivia was set up by the Norwegian Mission Alliance (NMA) in 1991 to support economic progress and improve housing conditions by offering financial services to people on low incomes in urban/semi-urban and rural areas in Bolivia.

DIACONÍA is one of the leading non-regulated MFIs in Bolivia and mainly operates in the department of La Paz. DIACONÍA's ambition is to be a leader in the microcredit sector by helping people on the basis of Christian values and principles. It offers individual loans for housing, manufacturing and trade as well as group loans using the village banking methodology.

DIACONÍA has been an Oikocredit partner since 2007.

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