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Enterprise Support and Community Development Trust - Financing rural low-income communities in Uganda

Enterprise Support and Community Development Trust

Financing rural low-income communities in Uganda


Encot Microfinance Ltd (Encot) is a microfinance institution operating in rural western Uganda. It’s dedicated to serving rural low-income communities, especially farmers, women and youth in the remote areas of Kibaale, Hoima, Masindi, Kyankwanzi, Buliisa and other districts.

Oikocredit’s funding is directly invested in the expansion of our partner's loan portfolio to meet the increasing demand for Encot’s loan products:

  • Micro-Enterprise Group Loans
  • Agricultural Enterprise Group Loans
  • Individual SME Loans
  • Renewable Energy Loans
  • Home Improvement Loans

Encot was founded in 2006 by a group of Ugandan community development practitioners in the Masindi district, and has been an Oikocredit partner since 2015.

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