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Light Microfinance Private Limited - Real impact through reliable and cost-effective products

Light Microfinance Private Limited

Real impact through reliable and cost-effective products


Light Microfinance Private Limited (LMPL) is a non-banking financial company and microfinance institution providing microcredit to economically disadvantaged women living in slum areas. LMPL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2018.

The company was incorporated in 2009 and is headquartered in Ahmadabad, from where it operates a network of branches in 23 districts of Gujarat and five districts of Rajasthan (2018).

The available loans are disbursed under the Joint Liability Group (JLG) methodology, whereby five women form a group which guarantees each other's loans. The duration of the loans is between one and two years. Clients and their families receive mandatory life insurance coverage with their loans.

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